I’ve been looking at changing the designs on some of the characters. Finally, I decided it was time to give Bill a haircut. He’s supposed to be a hip, ladies man character. So, I thought it would be fitting to give him a more edgy haircut. So, that left me with two choices. I could change his look without mentioning it directly and hope the audience makes the connection. Or I could make a story out of it. Obviously, I chose the latter. I think it’s funnier this way…or least I hope so!
Apparently I gravitate to the nightclub settings for my strips lately. I guess I just find much humor in it. Everybody has an idea of how to they should act to make themselves more appealing when they’re out on the prowl.  A gameplan of what works. Or what they think works.
This week’s strip continues with the same theme from last week. Once again, Bill is giving advice about attracting women to Riley. Let’s just say Bill’s ideas are a little different than what Riley would have chosen on his own.